Friday, 7 Mar 2025

Increase your brain power with THESE food


Nowadays busyness or stress, most people are becoming victims of forgetting the problem due to depression. Many people consume many types of medicines to accelerate their memory and increase brain power, but consuming excessive amounts of medicines can cause damage to the liver. Today we are going to tell you about some foods that your brain power will increase.

1- If you want to increase your brain power, take 10 grams of almonds and milk daily. After 3 hours, take breakfast. Doing this will make your brain faster.

2- According to research, the problem of forgetting removes ​to eat Vitamin E . For this, you can consume Vitamin E capsules, dry fruits, vegetable oils, dates, sweet potatoes, sprouted grains and fruits.

3- Spinach contains plenty of vitamin B-six, magnesium and potassium. Which help in enhancing memory. Consumption of spinach removes the problem of Alzheimer’s.

4- The use of dark chocolate is beneficial for speeding up brain. Dark chocolate contains abundant properties of antioxidants that work to increase brain power.

5- According to research, blackberry contains plenty of antioxidant content. Which helps in the development of brain cells. By consuming it increases your memory power.


Courtesy By :- Daily Hunt

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