Income Tax Return (ITR) filing: Forgot your e-filing password? Reset it with these steps
Considering that Income Tax Return (ITR) is filed once in 12 months, there is a high chance of people forgetting their e-filing password. Even though every employee is liable to pay a certain part of his or her salary or income from other sources, to the Income Tax Department, there are certain methods through which the taxpayers can claim some amount from the tax paid. This method is called as Income Tax Return (ITR) under which a taxpayer can fill forms depending upon the category of income and avail a little fraction of the taxes. In short, ITR helps a taxpayer to save big on their taxes.
But, often there are cases when a person fails to complete the ITR filing, as they forget the e-filing password. So, it becomes very important to retrieve the password in order to make successful filing of ITR. If you are among those taxpayers who face difficulty in login on e-filing website, then you can follow below mentioned steps to reset your password.
The IT department has introduced various factors, making resetting of e-filing password easier than ever before.
Option 1!
To Reset Password using the ‘Answer Secret Question’ option, the steps are as below:
Step 1: In Homepage, Click on “LOGIN HERE”
Step 2: Click on “FORGOT PASSWORD” link.
Step 3: User must provide User ID, CAPTCHA and click on CONTINUE button.
Step 4: Select ‘Answer Secret Question’ from the drop down options available and click CONTINUE button.
Step 5: Enter the Date of Birth/Incorporation from the Calendar provided (Mandatory)
Step 6: Select the Secret Question from the drop down options available (Mandatory)
Step 7: Enter the ‘Secret Answer’ and Click on “Submit”.
Step 8: On success, the user must enter the New Password and confirm the password.
Step 9: Click on “SUBMIT”
Once the password has been changed a success message will be displayed. User can login with new password.
Option 2!
To Reset Password using the ‘Upload Digital Signature Certificate’ option, the steps are as follows:
Step 1: On Homepage, Click on “LOGIN HERE” Step 2: Click on “FORGOT PASSWORD” link.
Step 4: Select ‘Upload Digital Signature Certificate’ from the drop down available
Step 5: User can select any one of the two options provided: i. New DSC ii. Registered DSC
Step 6: User must Upload Signature File generated using DSC Management Utility and click on the “VALIDATE” button. The DSC is validated.
Step 7: On success, the user must enter the New Password and confirm the password.
Step 8: Click on “SUBMIT”.
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Option 3!
To Reset Password using the ‘Using OTP (PINs)’ option, the steps are as follows:
Step 1: In Homepage, Click on “LOGIN HERE”
Step 2: Click on “FORGOT PASSWORD” link.
Step 4: Select ‘Using OTP (PINs)’ from the drop down options available and click on CONTINUE button.
Step 5: The user must select one of the options mentioned below:
Registered Email ID and Mobile Number – PINs would be sent to registered Email ID and Mobile Number. The user must enter the PINs received to the registered Email ID and Mobile Number and Click on “VALIDATE”. On success, the user must enter the New Password and confirm the password.
New Email ID and Mobile Number – User must enter new Email ID, Mobile number and one of the three options – (a) 26AS TAN – The user must TAN of Deductor, as available in 26AS. (b) OLTAS CIN – The user must enter the BSR Code, Challan Date and Challan Identification Number (CIN) as available in 26AS. (c) Bank Account No – The user must enter the Bank Account number as mentioned in Income Tax Return.
Option 4!
To Reset Password using the ‘Using Aadhaar OTP’ option, the steps are as follows:
Firstly one must make sure that their Aadhaar has been linked with their PAN. This is a mandatory step announced by government.
Step 1: In Homepage, Click on “LOGIN HERE”
Step 2: Click on “FORGOT PASSWORD” link.
Step 4: Select ‘Using Aadhaar OTP’ from the drop down available and click on CONTINUE button.
Step 5: User will be redirected to a page where he can confirm his Aadhaar Number. Click “Generate Aadhaar OTP”.
Step 6: Aadhaar OTP will be generated and sent to the Mobile Number registered with Aadhaar. User must enter the Aadhaar OTP received and click on the “VALIDATE” button. The Aadhaar OTP is validated.
Step 8: Click on “SUBMIT”
Option 5!
To Reset Password using the ‘NetBanking Login’, the steps are as follows:
Step 1: In Homepage, Click on “Login Here”
Step 2: Click on “Forgot Password” link. Step 3: Enter User ID (PAN), Captcha and Click on Continue button.
Step 4: Click on “e-Filing Login Through NetBanking” link.
Step 5: Select the Bank from the list of Banks providing the e-Filing login facility
Step 6: After login to NetBanking account, click on the link “Login to the IT e-Filing account” e-Filing user Dashboard screen shall be displayed.
Step 7: Taxpayer can change the password under Profile settings.
Thereby, do not be worry of how to file ITR, when you have lost your e-filing password. Follow any of the above mentioned options to reset your password and make a successful filing. Be wise, and always file your ITR!
Courtesy by : Daily Hunt