Banks to remain closed for 3 consecutive days on this week because of Holidays
New Delhi: There is good news for the employees of banks and it might not be very much health update for common public as they me face some cash crunch in this coming weekend because banks will remain closed for three day holidays.
As we all know that bank holidays are state-specific and also depend on whether it is a public or private bank. If you have plans to visit your bank this week, you should be aware of the three days that the branch in your locality could be closed.
The bank holidays are on account Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (21 November), Guru Nanak Jayanti (23 November) and the fourth Saturday of the month (24 November). Please note that these holidays vary from state to state.
On Guru Nanak Jayanti, business will be closed in cities like Mumbai, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Hyderabad, and some cities in the north of India.
Come this weekend and Banks will be closed for three days because of Holidays:
As for Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kerala, Guru Nanak Jayanti will be a working day. This means that the banks will only be closed for 2 days in these cities this week.
Also note that Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi will be observed as an holiday in Kerala on 20 November, unlike 21 November in the other states.
As for the states of North-East India, Goa, Orissa and Bihar, banks will operate on Guru Nanak Jayanti as well as Eid-e-Milad and only be closed on 24 November.
Banks across India are closed on every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Bank holidays do not affect their digital services like ATM cash withdrawals, net banking or other internet-based services.
Courtesy By :- Daily Hunt