A homemaker’s weight loss plan every mother will find handy

Ever wondered why you don’t seem to shed the excess flab you gained in pregnancy even though your bundle of joy is now almost 10 years old?
You seem to be forever on your feet running errands and picking up after people and yet those extra kilos sit stubbornly around your waistline and thighs. Perhaps it’s time to pause and take a break from the crash diets. A busy homemaker needs a customised weight loss plan that will peel off the pounds without breaking her back and disturbing her busy schedule.
Here are some do’s and don’ts that will help you get your body back in shape even as you continue to walk the domestic tightrope.
1. Do have a proper breakfast
There’s a reason why it’s called the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy to deal with the day’s chores but also gives you plenty of time to burn off the calories during the day. Also, if you aren’t starving by lunchtime, you could make a sensible healthier choice of a midday meal. But remember to eat a healthy breakfast of fermented foods like idli and dosa or cereal laden foods like upma and poha. These are time tested Indian foods that give you energy without adding on the fat.
2. Don’t skip meals
Skipping a meal just because you have had a heavy repast earlier is not a wise option because this can trigger cravings for calorie laden foods. This might make you eat more than you would have usually done. Eating at regular intervals also regulates metabolism and aids in weight loss. Follow the Ayurvedic way of life – simple foods cooked with fresh ingredients and complemented with a glass of buttermilk ensure a healthier body.
3. Do walk more
Remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you go shopping, park a reasonable distance away and walk to the shops. At the end of a long day, a walk in the neighbourhood park can be relaxing as well as a good way of keeping that waistline in check.
4. Don’t cultivate lazy habits
Avoid napping in the afternoons just because your toddler is having her siesta. Use the time to catch up on your gardening instead. Do not sit in a place while chatting with your friend on the phone, you can do the same while walking. Avoid boredom eating while watching television. You tend to subconsciously put away far more junk food than you intended.
5. Do get enough sleep
You need your eight hours of sleep as much as your children do. When you sleep enough, your stress levels stay low, you function better and consequently stay healthier. Research increasingly points to obesity among people who do not get enough sleep at night.
Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference, which will reflect on the weighing scale that you have tucked away under the bed for long. Regular activity revs up your metabolism, so doing the laundry or the dishes and mopping the floor can actually help you reduce weight. So what are you waiting for?
Courtesy by : Daily Hunt