Wednesday, 1 Jan 2025



In the last of the series, ENT specialist Dr. Srinivas Kishore Sistla of Star Hospitals speaks about why one should take good care of one’s throat.

How common is a throat problem?
Very common. A lot of people abuse their voice on purpose or as part of their lifestyle. For instance, teachers do a lot of talking and therefore develop problems like vocal nodules, in which small nodules are formed on the vocal cords. It leads to hoarseness of voice.

Can throat diseases be hereditary?

No, not really. If there is an allergy in the nose, it can affect the throat because the skin lining is the same.

How seriously should one take throat problems?

A throat problem can lead to cancer. Usually, that occurs in those who smoke. Smoking is the most common cause for throat cancer.

If there is a recurring tonsil infection and it is left untreated, it could lead to joint pains and heart-related issues.

What are the various causes of throat diseases?

Like I mentioned, voice abuse is one reason. Smoking and drinking cause severe damage to the throat. There are people who smoke while drinking. This habit is even more dangerous, as there are high chances of the toxins from the smoke getting absorbed into the mucosal. It is ten times more dangerous.

Snoring causes obstruction such that the airways become narrow to an extent that the person is unable to breathe at night and eventually chokes while asleep.

Eating at unhygienic places or drinking unclean water causes throat problems.

How can we keep the throat healthy?

If one suffers from common cold, drinking lukewarm water is advisable. Eating hygienic food and drinking clean water is necessary. Smoking must be stopped. Smoking while drinking is very dangerous, even if one is using an electronic cigarette.

Most importantly, one must not abuse their voice by trying to imitate somebody else’s voice or sing like another person. Anything that is not your natural voice is fatal to the throat. It can damage the fragile vocal cords, and there are chances of losing the voice forever.

What are the latest procedures that are followed to treat the throat?

Of course, like in every field, minimally invasive surgery is being used in all throat procedures as well. We magnify the area 20 times and use the laser to carry out the procedure.


Courtesy by : Daily Hunt

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