Tuesday, 7 Jan 2025

White Vs Brown Bread – Which One Is Better?


With the growing market for organic products, there is a widespread confusion on which product to choose. The same dilemma holds good in selecting the type of bread. White bread or Brown Bread? People are not sure which one to eat to stay healthy. A few quick facts about the two types of bread and which one should be consumed to stay healthy, are given below White Bread White bread is made out of refined wheat flour that has nothing to offer for the body. During the process of making white bread, the bran and wheat germ is removed from the wheat flour and Potassium Bromate, Benzoyl Peroxide or Chlorine Dioxide gas are used for bleaching to generate the whiteness. Potassium Bromate is highly dangerous if consumed in large doses. Chlorine dioxide is also used as a pesticide and is considered hazardous to the environment. When a large amount of white bread is consumed, the refined carbohydrates generate high levels of insulin thus, resulting in higher chances of weight gain. In spite of being globally popular, white bread is highly unhealthy for your body.

It is completely devoid of nutrients and it is as harmful as table sugar for the digestive system. Brown Bread The American Academy of Pediatrics has revealed that whole wheat brown bread is rich in nutrients compared to the white bread. One major factor contributing to the above-mentioned fact is the amount of fiber present in whole wheat brown bread. The increased fiber content slows down the digestion process and thereby, reduces the effect on blood sugar and production of insulin.

Other nutrients that are present in brown bread include vitamin B6, E, Folic acid, Zing, Copper and Manganese. Brown bread has lesser amount of calcium as compared with brown bread. Many manufacturers claim that they produce brown bread with the same amount of calcium as in white bread. Whole wheat bread contains Phytonutrient also called as plant lignans that have been observed to protect against heart diseases and breast cancer.

Things to consider while buying Brown Bread The declining demand for white bread has forced a lot of manufacturers to use caramel as a coloring agent to darken white to brown bread. So buyers need to carefully look for the ingredients mentioned in the packing to ensure that they are buying the right product. It is important to check the first ingredient to see whether it is whole wheat or whole meal flour. If the word “enriched” is used, it means that the same flour used for white bread is used.

Look for the bread with the minimum ingredients to ensure that you get maximum nutrients and very little additives. Also, make sure the amount of the following ingredients are as given below; sodium should be lesser than 401mg, saturated fat should be 1gm and fiber needs to be 4gm per 2 slices of serving. To conclude, when it comes to organic and fitness oriented scenarios, brown is always better than white.


Courtesy by : Daily Hunt

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