5 things you need to know about kidney stones

It can be very painful to suffer from kidney problems. This has become very common in recent years owing to modern lifestyle and eating habits. Most people are not paying enough attention to eating healthy food and drinking sufficient water on a regular basis. This can lead to various health problems in the future and lead to kidney stones.
Size of the stones vary
The problem becomes obvious when the size of the kidney stone reaches that of a peanut. When the problem is not treated at the right time, it can grow in size over a period of time and some people have bigger sized stones. However, most people show obvious symptoms in the early stages and you should take the right medication to treat the issue at this stage.
You cannot get kidney stones by drinking milk
Many people have a wrong notion about calcium stones and they assume that drinking milk in this situation means that adding more calcium to the body. However, you need to understand that your bones and muscles need calcium on a regular basis. The problem begins when your kidney is not able to process the waste materials properly and in this situation, the excess calcium can get mixed with other minerals and forms stones.
Excess uric acid can lead to kidney stones
Some level of uric acid is needed for the body and it causes no harm in most cases. However, when you eat too much of fish or other meat foods, the uric acid gets accumulated in large quantities that cannot be easily excreted through the urine by the kidneys. In this situation, it can lead to the formation of kidney stones. You should be careful about eating meat in large quantities and switch over to a vegetarian diet if you are suffering from kidney related ailments.
Men are more likely to develop kidney stones than women
Many doctors agree with the fact that men are more likely to develop kidney stones when compared to women. Various other factors like genetics and age also play their own roles in the development of this condition. You should always be careful if you have a family history of such conditions and get yourself examined frequently to avoid complications in the future. You can also discuss such issues with the doctor and take the necessary precautions to avoid this condition.
Drinking water helps to prevent kidney stones
Even though this is not a sure shot remedy to treat kidney stones, it definitely helps to reduce the symptoms in the long run. Even doctors suggest patients suffering from kidney stones to drink lots of water so that the kidney finds it easy to flush the waste materials from the body and the pain caused by kidney stones reduce to some extent with this remedy.
Courtesy by: Daily Hunt